Zadie Smith black authors
Zadie Smith black authors

Read A Book: Zadie Smith Is Working On A New Sci-Fi Novel

Get ready to Read A Book, Jamaican-British novelist Zadie Smith is about to write a sci-fi novel. Her debut White Teeth was met with critical acclaim when it published in 2000 and she's been on a roll ever since, lauded as the future of English realist writing. Just last year, she published her fourth novel, titled NW, and she's apparently already gearing up for the next project. A longtime fan of hip-hop, she interviewed Jay Z for The New York Times in 2012 and evidently got in trouble for not asking him anything about Beyoncé because they were "so deep into the lyrics." For that alone, she should get an okayplayer stamp of approval. Either way, if this next novel is anything like her earlier efforts, it's sure to win her some awards and garner a few new fans. It seems that sci-fi vibes are today's theme, so for more in Black-lady-sci-fi goodness, check out some of Janelle Monáe's favorite futuristic influences here and read a bit from London's Evening Standard on the upcoming Zadie Smith book below:

As for her own next move, she says it will be a total departure: a science-fiction romp. She has been reading a lot of Ursula K. Le Guin. ‘It’s a concept novel. It’s the only novel I’ve ever written that has a plot, which is thrilling. I don’t know if I can do it. Those books are incredibly hard to write.’

>>>Read the full interview (via Evening Standard)