Watch 'Broad City' Revive The 'Sister Act 2' "Joyful, Joyful" Scene
Watch 'Broad City' Revive The 'Sister Act 2' "Joyful, Joyful" Scene

'Broad City' Recreates The "Joyful, Joyful" Scene From 'Sister Act 2'

Watch 'Broad City' Revive The 'Sister Act 2' "Joyful, Joyful" Scene

For at least this late-80s baby, there may not be a more formative cinematic/musical experience than watching a pre-Fugees-era Lauryn Hill lead a full choir in a recital of "Joyful, Joyful" at the tail-end of Sister Act 2. And while, Miss Hill has certainly moved on to redefine herself, that moment, with 20-some-odd singers and that one kid that steps out front and wails away, still offers a level of personal serenity that is virtually unmatched.

I'll probably never see the day a true-blue reunion of that cast comes together, but last night on Broad City, the gals managed to inspire very similar levels of nostalgic glee in their recreation of the Crenshaw High School choir's triumphant "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee" rendition, even roping in Sister Mary Clarence (Whoopi Goldberg) for the hilarious affair. And best of all, it's available for you to see and hear down below from the comforts of wherever it is you happen to be at this very moment. Watch as Broad City recreates Sister Act 2's crowning moment in the player below and tune-in to the show Wednesday nights at 10PM to see what Abbi and Illana are up to next.