FLOTUS Michelle Obama Announces Open eBooks, Free For Students & Teachers
Amongst the copious ailments plaguing our nation's education system, access to quality, reasonably priced text books and literature remains as one of our tallest hurdles. In an effort to combat these systemic maladies, FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, has joined forces with Open eBooks to make thousands of classic pieces of literature free and easy to access for students and teachers through contributions from some the leading publishing houses in the industry.
The partnership comes as the latest effort in the Obama administration's ConnectED Initiative, which was announced three years ago in an effort to enrich the educational experience for students by empowering teachers through technological classroom upgrades and providing a dynamic base of digital content. While just 40% of American students have access to broadband internet, the program is being enacted with the hope that the president's goal of securing high-speed connections for 99% of the country's students and schools will be fulfilled, though we haven't seen a practical plan for establishing such sturdy infrastructure just yet. For more information on Open eBooks, hit the link below to visit the website and register.