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OKP Premiere: Gecko Turner Creates His Own World Of Sound On 'That Place By The Thing With The Cool Name' LP
OKP Premiere: Gecko Turner Creates His Own World Of Sound On 'That Place By The Thing With The Cool Name' LP

OKP Premiere: Gecko Turner Creates His Own World Of Sound On New LP 'That Place By The Thing With The Cool Name'

OKP Premiere: Gecko Turner Creates His Own World Of Sound On 'That Place By The Thing With The Cool Name' LP

Gecko Turner, for those with more local tastes, comes to us from the other side of the pond with a particularly dashing brand of sound. Just one look at the name of his fourth studio album That Place By The Thing With The Cool Name shows that he's less concerned with how things look, more dedicated to the feeling and emotion of a frequency than anything else. His latest outing flaunts a sprawling range of influences including cumbia soul, blistering blues, cerebral jazz and forms well beyond the borders of conventional anything.

The record plays like a sonic quest through the farthest reaches of his own mind, where a world of sound lives and breathes like a fully formed biosphere of funk, lush with purples and reds and yellows and every color you can think of. From the bossa boogie of it's opening number "I'll Do That" to the Curtis Mayfield-channeling mid-album breather "Here Comes Friday" and on to the album's delightful afro-beat-ish closer "The Strange Adventures Of Two Runaway Elephants In Kentish Town", one thing remains clear; Gecko Turner is your tour guide through this jungle of musicality and you're in damn good hands. Listen to his expansive, worldly and wonderful That Place By The Thing With The Cool Name LP below and keep your head on a swivel for more from the music giant. There's no telling where he'll go next.