Ink Blotches
You'll remember, last year Mello Music Group put out two tough emcee/producer collabo LPs with Gensu Dean & Planet Asia's Abrasions and Apollo Brown & Guilty Simpson's Dice Game. Both very dope albums, but apparently each producer got a case of emcee envy, as a result. So they've agreed to switch things up, and create new versions of the other's respective projects. Apollo is taking half of Gensu's album vocals with PA and reworking them into the vision he had for the album, while Gensu does the same with Guilty's verses. The result is a new two-sided project, Abrasions: Stitched Up and Dice Game: Shaken, that will see a release on January 14th. Today, listen to the first two leaks from the album, "Ink Blotches" and "God Hour."