Grammy U Art Of The Crossfade
As a DJ, mastering the crossfader is a technique that separates the amateurs from the pros. As part one of Grammy U's Summer School Series, production whiz DJ J. Period and USC Professor Josh Kun will analyze the importance of the crossfader and use it as a metaphor for the way some view the world today. The event will be streamed live on Google+ Hangout and feature an appearance of Questlove in a panel discussion.
“The Art of the Crossfade” is a multimedia exploration of this master control for merging sound: its technical history, its role in shaping hip hop, and its potential as a new metaphor for the “mixing” we all do in our increasingly diverse world. Combining an academic lecture with a live DJ performance, “The Art of the Crossfade” creates a unique and groundbreaking educational and entertainment experience: while USC Professor of Music & Culture Josh Kun lectures on the story and symbolism of the crossfader, award-winning DJ/Producer J.PERIOD provides a potent musical backdrop—juggling songs, samples and scratches to illustrate the full potential of the crossfader. As technology shrinks our planet but expands our worldview, we are all exposed to a wider spectrum of influences: music styles blur, cultures intersect, ethnicities merge. The “melting pot” (“many-into-one”) ideal of America—no longer applies. In the age of the crossfade, we all live in the mix.
RSVP to view the event on Google +. It's not one to miss.