Mixtape Mondays: Sam Champ x Okayplayer - D'Angelo Live! [Mixtape]

Lenny Kravitz, Grace Jones, Lauryn Hill, Lion Babe, Thundercat, SZA & More Rock The Afropunk Festival 2015 in Brooklyn, NY.dangelo x sam champ live mixtape

cover art by Jenn Kaye

UPDATE: this mix is now downloadable! Go crazy:


You may have noticed me using the header Mixtape Mondays on a few posts recently--something we intend to  make a semi-regular feature here at Okayplayer. We figured we would kick it off properly with an actual OKP mixtape; something official, something original, something exclusive. Something worthy to place alongside DJ Soul's incredible Best of Common and Dilla mixtapes. And then we was like, Hmm what's happening the last monday in January that we could use as a theme? Superbowl? Newt Gingrich? Or MAYBE the phoenix-like reemergence of our beloved D'Angelo, who is currently spreading his fiery musical wings across the waters in Europe.

Accordingly, we asked super-thorough DJ/producer and Soulquarian obsessive Sam Champ (you may remember the tough remix of "Left & Right" from his remix LP) to cut together this official OKP D'Angelo Live mix for us. Most of these amazing live renditions of classic D'Angelo material have surfaced online in one form or the other before but Sam Champ has skillfully compiled them into one seamless blend to create the ultimate OKP fantasy concert for those of us not blessed enough to have been born Scandinavian. So without further ado, please find below one hour and twelve minutes (and some seconds) of streamable D'Angelo, recorded live on various stages across the world (and with a young Anthony Hamilton clearly audible on background vox in quite a few)--enough to keep all fly girls' nipples and toes tingly with excitement until the arrival of a PURPORTED NEW D'ANGELO ALBUM SOMETIME LATER THIS YEAR. D'Angelo is back, baby. Mixtape Mondays is here. Enjoy these live mixtapes. Get happy.


1. Fantastic Intro

2. Brown Sugar

3. Devil's Pie

4. Crisco

5. Left & Right

6. Chicken Grease

7. Lady

8. Left & Right (Reprise)

9. Feel Like Making Love

10. Can't Hide Love

11. Things You Do (Fall in Love)

12. One Mo' Gin

13. Me and Those Dreaming Eyes of Mine

14. S.D.M.

15. Untitled (How Does It Feel)