Neon Greens - Mirrors [EP Stream]
I don’t know if y’all remember L.A. singer/producer Godfrey At Large, but if you checked his single “The Three of Us” last year, then like me, you’ve been (Im)patiently waiting for some new ish. Well wait no longer, Godfrey At Large has teamed up with producer/keyboardist Adam Berg (The Decoders) to form the group Neon Greens. As Neon Greens, they’ve just released their new 5-track EP, Mirrors."‘Mirrors’ was carefully crafted within a storyline that takes the listener on a musical journey through the intricacies of lust, love, and companionship… The rich, organic yet electrified flavor of this EP is a testament to the nature of modern day relationships within our own analog and digital realms." I just hit play myself, but I already have no problem co-signing all of it. Go ahead and listen for yourself, and let’s hope this is only the beginning for this talented new duo.