5 Things You Need To Know About The Dakota Access Pipeline Protest
Photo by Dallas Goldtooth
Photo by Dallas Goldtooth
For months now, the country has rallied behind North Dakota's Standing Rock Sioux; an indigenous tribe with sacred ties to land that was bulldozed over Labor Day weekend by construction crews working on the contentious (lightly put) Dakota Access Pipeline. The tribe has been met with extreme physical force throughout their protests with hundreds of peaceful protesters having been arrested and local authorities geo-targeting prayer camps via Facebook check-ins; likely why you've seen your timelines light up with folks attempting throw off the efforts of Morton County Sheriff's Department by checking in at Standing Rock.
It's a lot to unpack, as the battle for Standing Rock is playing out on the ground and in the courts, and the consequences of the Dakota Access Pipeline's success are dire in both a civil and environmental sense. So we've gathered some of the more important factors of this mess to keep in mind as it continues to rattle through the ether so that you know precisely what we're up against.
With networks such as FOX, MSNBC and CNN all but mum in reporting about the Native American's fight against the DAPL — independent media has utilized the internet to share news and update around the country and the world. Dozen of journalists have been arrested with an arrest warrant even being issued for Democracy Now's Ann Goodman. Originally charged with criminal trespass, she was facing riot charges and eventually announced that she would turn herself in on Oct. 17.
Another outlet, Unicorn Riot, actually had four of their journalists arrested in the same day in North Dakota. Anti-Media's own Derrick Broze was tasered by law enforcement while covering the protests, while ABC and NBC have refused to air any coverage about it.
Clocking in at $3.78 billion dollars, the DAPL conduit will be built from the oil-rich Bakken fields in North Dakota through South Dakota and Iowa to Patoka, Illinois where it will join up with already existing pipelines to transport 570,000 barrels a day to refineries and markets in the Gulf and on the East Coast. Despite the possible environmental hazard that the DAPL poses, the pipeline itself is being built near the Standing Rock Sioux's reservation near Cannon Ball, North Dakota. The American government is willingly infringing on past treat promises made with the Sioux tribe while disturbing sacred sites.
The moment that got mainstream America's attention was seeing private security forces with dogs, pepper spray and guns violently arresting The Water Protectors. Otherwise known as the Pipeline Police, the North Dakota National Guard, sheriffs and private security forces turned the standoff into a straight-up war zone. 127 people have been detained in the biggest mass arrest situation to date. Police were decked out in riot gear with military grade weapons and armored cars with snipers on top of them. This is not the sort of behavior that needs to be doled out on people who are only using civil disobedience to shut down the DAPL.
Using the Nationwide Permit 12, the Dakota Access Pipeline Project was fast-tracked and granted exemption from environmental review that's required by the Clean Water Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. Add to the mix that since the DAPL does not cross over into Canada or Mexica, the project isn't being deeply combed through by federal analysis. According to the chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, David Archambault II, they have been opposing the DAPL since they first learned of it in 2014.
Energy Transfer Partners, which is the company bankrolling this whole deal, are having a tough time on its hands as the Water Protectors are fighting them and anyone who stands with them. At least 17 firms that have backed the company's $2.5 billion dollar plan to construct the DAPL are the targets of the SRS to stop this project from being completed.
To start things off, you can help raise awareness about #NoDAPL by sharing through your social media. Whether that is Facebook, Twitter or Instagram — you can spread the word using the #NoDAPL hashtag. If you're more of a take charge and get into the action type, well you can go directly to the Sacred Stone Camp and serve as reinforcements to the Water Protectors and the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. The more that come to stand in solidarity, the more likely the pipeline is going to be a bad idea.
If purchasing a plane ticket is out of your budget then you can send supplies or make donations to the Water Protectors. It is imperative since they need your help, so you can go here to send supplies and go here to donate to the cause. Continue to share the word with others about the Water Protectors, independent journalists who are out there chronicling everything and follow Sacred Stone Camp for the latest and greatest with the protest.
You can call North Dakota governor Jack Dalrymple at 701-328-2200. Let your voice be heard direct to the powers-that-be by sharing your thoughts to them directly and professionally. If you're shy on the phone, you can sign the petition to the White House and urge them to stop the DAPL project by clicking here. Speaking of the White House, you can call President Barack Obama or the next Commander-in-Chief at 202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414 and ask to rescind the Army Corps of Engineers' Permit for the DAPL. You can also contribute funds to the Sacred Stone Camp Legal Defense Fund by clicking here or through their GoFundMe here.
Last, but certainly not least — you can call the executives of the companies that are building the pipeline: