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NY Teacher Steps On Students' Backs In Cruel Lesson On Slavery
NY Teacher Steps On Students' Backs In Cruel Lesson On Slavery
Source: CBS New York

NY Teacher Steps On Students' Backs In Cruel Lesson On Slavery

NY Teacher Steps On Students' Backs In Cruel Lesson On Slavery Source: CBS New York

A Bronx middle school teacher has sparked outrage after having black students in her class participate in an activity to show them what slavery felt like.

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Patricia Cummings, a teacher at Middle School 118, singled out a group of black seventh-graders in her social studies class and told them to lie on the floor. Cummings then proceeded to walk on their backs.

"It was a lesson about slavery and the Triangle Trade," one of Cummings' students said to New York Daily News. "She picked three of the black kids...She said, 'You see how it was to be a slave?' She said, 'How does it feel?'"

"She had students lie on the floor," another student said. "She was measuring the length and width to show how little space slaves had in the ship. It was strange."

Cummings has been reassigned from the students following the incident, with an investigation pending.

"While the investigation has not been completed, these are deeply disturbing allegations, and the alleged behavior has no place in our schools or in society," city Department of Education spokeswoman Toya Holnesssaid in a statement Friday.

Source: New York Daily News