#OKPLovesMJ Dance Contest aka Happy Birthday Michael Jackson!

So you think you can dance like Michael Jackson? Yeah well so does everyone else, so it shouldn't come as a total surprise that we don't really believe you. That's right, you need more people. Luckily we feel like we have come up with a solution that will satisfy all parties involved. Hop on Vine or Instagram between the hours of 12 and 5:00 PM EST today to show us what you've got. What better way to honor the legacy of Michael Jackson on his 55th birthday, than to keep dancing?

Submissions can be anything from the Moonwalk to the infamous Smooth Criminal lean. Want to reenact a scene from an MJ video? Want an excuse to rock that old red leather jacket you've been meaning to dust off for decades? This is it! We want to see everything, from the foolish to down right fierce. Pull out your fro and take it back to The Jackson 5 if you must. Make it do what it do and make MJ proud. There won't be another reason to rock glitter socks and a jheri curl until Halloween, so don't miss this golden opportunity! All entries must be tweeted @okayplayer with the hashtag #OKPLovesMJ. Submissions will be accepted until 5:00 PM EST. One winner, to be announced at 7:00 PM EST, will receive a cool prize pack full of goodies from Okayplayer. Grab some inspiration from the Moonwalker clip above or Okayplayer's Top 5 Michael Jackson Remixes and good luck. Happy Birthday Michael Jackson!