President Barack Obama Reported for Jury Duty Like a Rock Star

A quick day of jury duty for our 44th President

On Wednesday morning, at around 10 am, President Barack Obama walked into the Richard Daley Center and did something all Chicagoans have to do at some point: report for jury duty.

READ: Even Former President Barack Obama Has To Attend Jury Duty

The president used a secure parking garage underneath the Daley Center and rode a private elevator reserved for judges to the 17th floor. He was accompanied by a gang of secret service members.

When Obama entered the jury assembly room the place was abuzz with excitement. And Obama seemed like he was in campaign mode, smiling and shaking everyone's hand, urging people not to get up from their seat.

At one point Obama could be heard saying "This looks like Chicago right here, a response that got laughter in the room.

Obama got a seat, put a red "juror" sticker on, and watched a very old juror training video, which was hosted by a much younger Lester Holt (who interviewed Obama while he was President.)

However, after all of that hoopla, Obama wasn't picked to serve on a jury. Eight out of 16 panels get chosen randomly, The panel Obama was on Panel 6 didn't get picked.

He was out of the building at around noon.

Obama will be mailed a check for $17.20. A spokesperson for the President said he is planning on mailing the check back to the county.

SOURCE: Chicago Tribune