Game Blouses: Finally, You Can See Prince Ball In An Unearthed Video For "The Daisy Chain"
Game Blouses: Finally, You Can See Prince Ball In An Unearthed Video For "The Daisy Chain"

Game Blouses: Finally, You Can See Prince Ball In An Unearthed Video For "The Daisy Chain"

Game Blouses: Finally, You Can See Prince Ball In An Unearthed Video For "The Daisy Chain"

If we're to take Charlie Murphy at his word, Prince could ball with the best of 'em. And though the elder Murphy brother is far from the only one who's vouched for The Purple One's on-court antics (just ask Magic Johnson) actual footage of Prince doing work on the court has been as rare as Roadhouse Garden (look it up.)

But we're in the digital age now, where nothing is sacred or lost forever, especially in the hands of a stan. Cue: a music video for the track "The Daisy Chain" shot in 200o for the 2004 album The Slaughterhouse, featuring flashes of Prince's game at the very conclusion of the clip. The track features David DVS Schwartz and Kip Blackshire, two Paisley Park regulars at the turn of the century. It's not exactly "genius era" Prince, but it does go to show you that his crossover was just as mean as rumor had it.

No pancakes appear to be served at the scene of the crime, but it's still certainly worth six-minutes-plus of your time. Watch Prince get busy on the court at the tail-end of the clip below. As Chappelle's Prince would have put it: "Game, blouses."

h/t Billboard