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Prince x 3rdEyeGirl - "Groovy Potential" [Snippet] + Prince Tweets For The 1st Time

Lenny Kravitz, Grace Jones, Lauryn Hill, Lion Babe, Thundercat, SZA & More Rock The Afropunk Festival 2015 in Brooklyn, NY.

UPDATE Part 4, The Phantom Menace: Prince is messing with us again...this time he has unlocked a 10-minute live clip of "She's Always In My Hair,"--or maybe he just wants to cheer D'Angelo up on a sick day? I don't know but everything Prince does is a secret message of some kind so Symbologists: Get out yer magnifying glasses. Watch below (you know, while it lasts):


UPDATE Part 3, Return Of The Jedi:Soooo the uploads of Prince & 3rdEyeGirl performing live in Amsterdam and the other video clips that the Purplous One tweeted out last night in his very first (verified!) appearance on twitter are now private again, as expected. But in between his very 1st selfie (a wisp of purple smoke, naturally) and shots of his dinner Prince sneak-tweeted out a snippet of a new song called "Groovy Potential" which is available for digital purchase for a mere 88¢ via It must be real because Dr. Funkenberry said so. Listen below and just be ready for, you know, whatever. And if the purple-mist-selfie is not enough to convince you that Prince enjoys a good laugh (evil chuckle) at his own mysterious rep, check the twitter convo below:

Twitter grab by JackRabbit003


UPDATE Part 2, The Electric Boogaloo: um, Prince is tweeting. We're posting up vids as fast as he's unlocking them. Enjoy 'em while they last!


UPDATE:Curses, Prince'd again. No sooner was this tweeted out than the videos were marked 'private', suggesting that either a) 3rdEyeGirl does not know how to use youtube and made the videos public accidentally or b) (and well all know it's option b) somewhere Prince is chuckling an evil chuckle at our expense. We'll keep an eye out for a re-up and in the meantime, get thee to City Winery to see the free screening of his concert film (scroll down for the link to RSVP).

Yup. Two brand new videos of Prince and his all-dimes power rock trio 3rdEyeGirl turning out the infamous Paradiso in Amsterdam.The jams in question are "Let's Go Crazy (Reloaded)"--the slow-bumping and grinding 2013 version of the 80s classic--and "Bambi." That's the stomping jam named after an innocent-looking baby deer (or maybe a stripper) which nevertheless turned into a guitar-destroying monster when Prince performed it on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. As you may recall (but Prince clearly does not) the guitar that got ate was not his own. This live rendition is no less world-destrying for the fact that no insruments were harmed during the performance. In fact both clips are pretty epic--and not just because live recordings of Prince (or, hell, any recordings of Prince) are so rare online. They stand on their own as live-album worthy jams, particularly "Let's Go Crazy (Reloaded)" which feels like a trip to a Blues Brothers-style Pentecostal church would if the whole world was slowed down to 5bpms by a heavy dose of sizzurp (Purple Sprite, natch) or maybe like the original 12 being spun by a reincarnated DJ Screw.

Of course, it would not be Prince if this video did not have a bit of mystery surrounding it and in this case, the footage appears to be shot--not from the stage, wings or a press pit but from somewhere in the audience--and yet they are uploaded via 3rdEyeGirl's official account so we know they are not bootlegs or fan uploads (we also know this because bootlegs and fan uploads of Prince's music cause the uploader to spontaneously combust in a burst of purple hellfire). Then again, I've never been to the Paradiso so maybe I just don't where the press pit is. Or maybe it was shot by the NSA. Watch below and enjoy both the majesty and the mystery of Prince--and to attend a free screening of a full concert film Prince & 3rdEueGirl Live At Montreux Jazz Fest 2013 at City Winery here in NYC, find details and RSVP info at their website.