Pass The Popcorn: Steve McQueen & Harry Belafonte Are Teaming Up To Make A Film Based On Paul Robeson's Life
Steve McQueen recently accepted an honor from legendary actor/singer/political activist Harry Belafonte at the Hidden Heroes Awards in NYC and used the podium as an opportunity to divulge the plans for a film based on the life of pre-civil-rights-era superhero Paul Robeson. For those unfamiliar with the legend of Robeson, it is a heavy one. We're talking about a man who attended the ever-prestigious Columbia Law School while playing professional football, only to kick both and pursue a career onstage instead. Throughout his life he fought for the rights of black performers, refusing roles that demeaned his community, which eventually lead to him being black-listed during the McCarthy Era.
The 12 Years A Slave director has long claimed Robeson's tale to be paramount in his own development, but it appears that a project that he once intended to be his second film will be getting an extra push from Belafonte, who is enamored with McQueen's contributions to film and now considers him a close personal friend. Just imagine what that kind of star-power could do with that story. The film and its concept are still very much in the conceptual stages, but you can be sure that when the details begin to roll-out, we'll have the full scoop for you. In the meantime, you can get familiar with each of the film pioneers' catalogues on Netflix today.
spotted at The Guardian