Sign a petition to have outkast memorialized on stone mountain 2
Sign a petition to have outkast memorialized on stone mountain 2

There's A Petition To Have Outkast Memorialized On Stone Mountain Right Next To Confederate Heroes

Sign A Petition To Have Outkast Memorialized On Stone Mountain

See, this is why the internet is where we dwell. 'Cause every once in awhile, someone conjures up a scheme to fight centuries of southern ignorance with a simple, and very funky gesture. Today, a petition surfaced requesting 2,000 signatures in favor of emblazoning the side of Stone Mountain with two of the greatest Georgians that ever were, none other than OutkastThe ATLien duo would, of course, be sitting in their Caddy, right next to three horseback heroes of the Confederate South. But maybe it's time that Jackson, Lee and Davis had some company on that side of that lonely mountain range.

After all, taking down a flag is as easy as pulling on a piece of string. Taking down a memorial that's blasted into the side of a got damn mountain is tantamount to blowing a 1,700 foot tall geological landmark sky-high. And while many would say that the latter is only right, maybe it is time to fight centuries-old symbols of hate with a little a bit of funk and show all that frequent the Atlanta suburb how far we wanna go. Hit the link below to pledge your support for this most noble cause, and pray with the rest of us that whoever's running this thing has the means to follow through.

>>>Sign the petition to have Outkast memorialized on Stone Mountain